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Welcome to

The Clicker Center

Stay At Home Clinics
and In-Person Events

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More Resources for you: Books, clinics, on-line courses, DVD lessons Learn more

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Learn More

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The Kenyon Bear Children's Books

I love my horses.

I love watching them.

I love riding them.

I love sharing my day with them.

For all these reasons, this is why I clicker train.
The laughter, the understanding, the Joy of horses is what I want to share with you through this website.

What is clicker training? Simply put, it's communication—clear, positive, horse-friendly. With the click, we're saying, "Wow! You got it right!" It is a real "yes! answer" that opens the doors to shared understanding.

This is an educational site. It is truly your Clicker Training Headquarters. From getting started to leading-edge innovations, you'll find them all here.

Want to learn more? Read on...

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Clicker Basics

Curious to learn more?  Follow this link to answer your basic what is clicker training questions and to meet some of our beautiful clicker-trained horses.

Training Guide

Eager to get started?  This Quick Start Guide takes you step by step through your first clicker training lessons.  My goal is to help you and your horse have a great first clicker lesson.


The covid pandemic changed the way I teach.  I discovered how much I love teaching on-line. Skip the expense and stress of traveling. Instead join the on-line clinics.  You're working your horse in his home environment.  Connect with other clicker trainers, get help when you need it, enjoy the on-going support of a horse friendly, people friendly community.

More to explore! Come join the fun!

There are so many images that represent

clicker training. 

Clicker training turns the ordinary into the extraordinary.
It's for every horse, for everyone.

Additional Resources


Alexandra Kurland is a pioneer and leading voice in the development of clicker training for horses. She is the author of "Clicker Training for Your Horse", "The Click That Teaches: A Step-By-Step Guide in Pictures", "The Click That Teaches: Riding with the Clicker", "Modern Horse Training: A Constructional Guide To Becoming Your Horse's Best Friend" and "The Click That Teaches" video lesson series.

Ms. Kurland earned her degree from Cornell University where she specialized in animal behavior. She has been teaching and training horses since the mid-1980's. A pioneer in the development of humane training methods, Ms. Kurland began clicker training in the early 1990's. She very quickly recognized the power of clicker training for improving performance, for enhancing the relationship people have with their horses, and for just plain putting fun back into training.

Have Fun!

Stay At Home- Learn At Home Virtual Courses Now you can bring your horse to a clinic without leaving home!

Changing forever the way we train horses.

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